I was black flagged!? Members #grid 342 at TeamSport Sheffield Go Karting - Youtube Video

I was black flagged!? Members #grid 342 at TeamSport Sheffield Go Karting

Black flagged!

Having set another new personal best in the first session of this #grid 342 event, I end up in unlucky kart number 13 and get black flagged for, well, I’m not sure what!

Description from Youtube

After the first session went very well for me, it’s time to jump back into kart number 13, where it begins to all go wrong for me. A members-only #Grid 342 TeamSport night!

The track layout in use this time was the full-length international layout.

I’m a TeamSport #Grid Club member!
My best international layout time going into this session is 57.961 on the old tyres, and a 58.281 on the new tyres!

Subscribe to follow me in my path to learning to become a better racer.
✅ Website: https://robgoes.racing/
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Subscribe to the channel for the final session, which is also frustrating, next week!

Watch the first session here: https://youtu.be/xHuuKJmGn5U
Watch my biggest crash so far here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImIqPQDVChE
Watch a video, when I crashed into my boss here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fr5erVMVjU


Watch the video on Youtube here!

Some Figures

First 24 hours of this video saw 344 views, 204 more than normal! That also earned me 2 new subscribers – it’s those black flags again!

After the first week, this had increased to 834 views and 5 new subscribers in total!