Better than expected - A new personal best - Youtube Video

Better than expected – a new personal best!

Better than expected!

Can you hear me!? The first video uploaded with a voice over!
Just like the previous visits, the aim was to get comfortable in the kart and go quicker. But I managed to do better than that!

Description from Youtube

Adult Race session at the TeamSport Sheffield track.

The track layout in use this time was the full-length international layout.

I’m now a TeamSport Grid member!

My best international layout time going into this session is 59.023. The aim today was to break into the elusive 58 second lap time – smashed it!

Although I’m a member, I’m still currently choosing to run only in the arrive and drive style 2x 15 minute “Adult Race Experience” events whilst I get more consistent with my times and get better at overtaking cleanly.

This is the first of the two sessions from this visit. Subscribe for the next session!
Watch the session session here:

View the video on Youtube here!

Some figures

In the first 24 hours, this video had 0 views. I was ready to stop uploading! Especially now that I’ve added the voice over.

Thankfully, by the end of the first month, the video had gained a total 17 views, out of the total to date of 22 views.