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TeamSport Sheffield
The track at Sheffield is unique for TeamSport in that it has 3 different layouts available.
Below are my current best times for the two layouts that I have driven on.
TeamSport Nottingham
I visited the track at Nottingham when they used petrol karts, and have visited since with the 1st gen electric karts. They’ve since upgraded again to the Biz Kart EcoVolt GT’s, so I’ll need to make another trip!
TeamSport Coventry
I competed for the BIKC Regional Final 2023 here, so have completed a fair number of laps.
41.149 seconds
This time was set on the 22nd October 2023
TeamSport Reading
This track has been re-modelled and now uses electric karts. I have not returned since this change, so the time shown below was from the full 3-level track in petrol karts.
54.171 seconds
This time was set on the 13th April 2023
TeamSport Warrington
This track has been re-modelled and now uses electric karts. I have not returned since this change, so the time shown below was from the old track layout in petrol karts.
1 minute 2.623 seconds
This time was set on the 1st July 2023
TeamSport Leeds
With the infamous Bridge of Death!
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40.195 seconds
This time was set on the 25th July 2023