Into Extra Time! - Youtube Video

Into Extra Time!

Into Extra Time!

An ordinary Tuesday evening visit became quite extraordinary. After a lengthy black flag period on the first lap, the marshals displayed a board to let us know we were being awarded extra time!

This was after we’d been told we were the last group tonight, so if we wanted to purchase an extra session, we could!

Unfortunately, the karts just weren’t that great on this visit, but I made the most of it anyway!

Description from Youtube

A quiet evening for TeamSport Sheffield. The last session(s) of the night. A broken kart, with a long red flag. The staff were generous and informed us they were adding extra time. But how much time did they give us?

Adult Race session at the TeamSport Sheffield track.
The track layout in use this time was the full-length international layout.

This is the first of the three sessions for this visit. Subscribe for the next session, next week!


00:00 – Intro
00:12 – Lap 1
02:07 – Lap 2
03:09 – Lap 3
04:10 – Lap 4
05:11 – Lap 5
06:12 – Lap 6
07:13 – Lap 7
08:13 – Lap 8
09:40 – Ending

Some figures

In the first 24 hours, this video received 77 views, which is 27 more than usual. I don’t think there is anything special for this video, certainly no crash. So, I do believe this may just be natural growth for the channel now! 🙂

I haven’t had any new subscribers in a while though, so I’m going to try pushing that again at the beginning of the videos.

After one month, this video made it to 191 views – pretty much the same as the previous video.