Back into my comfort zone? Rebuilding my confidence! - Youtube Video

Back into my comfort zone? Rebuilding my confidence!

Rebuilding my confidence!

The second session of my first time back into a kart at Sheffield again and I wanted to keep rebuilding my confidence. Something had changed and I just couldn’t work out what. Why was I now so much slower?

The Grid 342 session had knocked my confidence so much that I was convinced it was something I was doing differently! Surely it couldn’t be the go-karts!?

Description from Youtube

Adult Race session at the TeamSport Sheffield track.

The track layout in use this time was the full-length international layout.

I’m now a TeamSport Grid Club member!

My best international layout time going into this session is 57.961. After a few visits with slower times, my confidence is fading. The aim of this visit was to try and get that back! Having regained some confidence in the first session, I wanted to break back past the 1 minute lap time for the second session.

This is the second of the two sessions for this visit. Subscribe for the next visit, next week!
Watch the first session here:

Watch the video on Youtube here!

Some figures

Slightly down compared the first session, this one gained only 16 views in the first 24 hours. After the first month that had significantly jumped up to 82 views! Exciting!

It settled off though and currently sits at 96 views, but no new subscribers 🙁